Welcome to the Kid Zone of Rose Hill Methodist!

Our purpose is to assist families like yours in the spiritual development of our little ones by offering age-appropriate learning that encourages them to discover God in a personal way. We are committed to providing a safe, clean, and nurturing atmosphere in which our youngest ones can enjoy themselves while their parents are participating in church-related worship and activities. 

Sunday Morning

Lots of learning happens on Sunday mornings in Rose Hill Kid Zone. By using Bible stories, music, hands-on crafts, Bible video clips, music, and exciting activities in small group and large group settings, we do our best to engage every child in the lesson. With Bible stories geared just for little minds, children leave the classroom each week with a bigger understanding of the God who created them.
Children’s Church is held during the 9:45 am worship service in the Faith Center.
Children’s Sunday School is at 11:00 am in the Faith Center. 


We Care About your Child’s Safety and Security

To protect the safety and security of all children, parents are asked to complete a mobile CHECK-IN FORM each Sunday morning when their child is dropped-off.  Prior to leaving, each child will be checked-out by a registered RHUMC volunteer.

Children’s Ministry Forms