Introducing people to Jesus and/or inviting people into Christian Community.
Prayer Requests
One important way Rose Hill Methodist cares for its members and others is through our Prayer Ministry.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6
To request prayers for yourself of others, please fill out a Prayer Request Form.
Join the Rose Hill Prayer Team to become an active part of this important ministry.
Care Team
The mission of the Rose Hill Methodist Care Team is to share the love of God by caring for and encouraging members of our church family during life events. We reach out to the sick, the lonely, the grieving, and those who are unable to make it to our regular Sunday gatherings. We also celebrate birthdays and new babies!
There are about 20 members of the team. Members serve on one or both of two groups – one that visits shut-ins and those in the hospital; and the other group that sends cards to church members and their families needing care. Another member sends out a regular email with special prayer requests to church members who want to support each other in prayer. On a short-term basis, as needed, the Care Team coordinates the preparation and delivery of meals for members in the church who experience serious illnesses and hardship. Each year for the Easter and Christmas seasons, the team personally delivers some lilies and poinsettias to our Rose Hill shut-ins.
Contact: Janeth Neville (janethnevill@yahoo.com)
Fellowship Team
Members of the Fellowship Team serve as kitchen crews in support of our monthly Fellowship Luncheons following the 11:45 am Sunday worship service. The team, along with other church members, organize meals or receptions following funerals / memorial services.
If you would like to be a part of this special ministry, please contact Shirley Kerr at smk211811@yahoo.com.